No one knows their blood type.
I don't know my blood type.
- Did you find Shannon?
- No.
I was getting you this.
A hollow needle.
Sharp enough to pierce a noodle.
It's perfect.
Not to rain on your parade, but I
thought you said we needed A-negative.
- Or O-negative.
- Right. Which no one is.
Someone is.
- You! Why'd you make me...
- O-neg is "universal donor".
It's in the ballpark.
It's not a match.
My blood could put him
into anaphylactic shock.
Stop his heart.
You mean he'll die?
He's not gonna die.
Those girls are checking you out.
You're in your pj's.
Indeed I am.
- Are they cute?
- Who?
The girls who are checking me out.
Mm... One of them's kinda cute.
The other one's just trashy.
- Heart and Soul?
- You got it.
- I'm taking the easy part.
- Of course.
You know you don't have to do this
if you don't want to.
How do you know I haven't?
Because you haven't.
It was a silly idea.
I read too many bridal magazines.
- I think it rotted my brain.
- Sarah, I want to. I'm going to.