- No. I'm OK. Really.
- I don't think that you should be...
- What is that?
- I think your water just broke.
No, no.
I can't have the baby now.
- Just hold on.
- I can't have the baby now!
Jack's coming.
Claire, he's coming.
I screwed myself up pretty bad, huh?
My leg hurts.
Don't try to move it.
- Can you breathe OK?
- It fell on me.
- What fell?
- A plane. It was a plane.
Boone? Boone.
Locke said you fell from a cliff.
No, it was...
It fell... the plane.
It's because of the hatch.
- We found the hatch...
- Boone? Boone?
Stay with me, man.
Stay with me.
Locke said...
John said... not to tell.
- They built a hatch.
- What'd Locke do? What hatch?
My leg hurts.
Boone? Boone. Hey.
Shannon... Shannon.
Shannon. Shannon.
I need to tell you something.
All right.