All right.
Time to break out the big guns.
* Whoa! I feel good
* I knew that I would, now
* I feel good
* I knew that I would, now
* So good
So good
* I got you
Dude, that's all I got.
Cargo hold is full of it.
Best I can figure,
they were smugglers.
The plane was perched
in the canopy?
Right up there.
And Boone climbed up by himself,
because of your charley horse.
Yes. That's right.
Why did you lie?
I made a mistake.
I'm going to salvage
what I can of the radio.
If we leave now, we should
beat the storm back.
Why don't you trust me, Sayid?
For one thing.
You've been carrying a gun
you've told no one about.
We found one of the smugglers
about half a click west of here
dressed as a priest,
Nigerian currency in his pockets.
And this.
Now you're armed and I'm not.
Does that earn me any trust?
You gave this to me
because I caught you concealing it.