Bod began to wonder
if the finger he found was really his.
That's it.
That's your finger.
Help me!
Help me!
That thief stole my finger!
Don't you have a finger of your own?
"Yod's Finger"
Yod works at the
same place as Bod.
He believes that the harder we
search for what we want,
the less likely we are to find it.
We should just wait until it finds us.
Like Yod's finger,
it came back to him.
Like how Bod found Yod,
even though a good friend
is hard to find.
Hey, Bod?
Don't you know that
lots of people at work
get their fingers cut off,
and shipped away in cans?
Some people are lucky and
get their finger back,
but some aren't so lucky.
How many do you think get their
fingers mixed up like ours?
I'm afraid to eat sardines,
because I might find a finger!