Bod was still not sure where
to begin with Jin,
until Yod introduced Mui to him.
"Mui: The Empress"
Mui is a Chinese girl who believes
here ancestors were royalty.
If she still lived in China,
she would be an empress by now.
But in Bangkok, she is a waitress in
a Chinese restaurant.
Mui looks very pretty waiting
tables in her Chinese dress.
When people compliment her,
she just tells them it comes
from her royal blood.
Mui met Yod one day on the bus,
when passengers were packed
tighter than sardines.
Get closer!
Shove in!
Pack in tighter!
Come on! Get closer!
Any closer and we might
as well be married!
Yod and Mui were
smashed together
and quite enjoyed the experience.
After that,
they wouldn't get on a bus
that wasn't crowded.
They would only get on
packed buses,