He doesn't remember where
he's supposed to go,
so he just calls it "Nameless Island. "
Usually that's all he says before the
driver kicks him out.
Tick had an odd habit.
He likes to lick everything
in front of him.
Bod thinks that Tick must have
worked as an envelope licker
but had a stroke of bad luck and
licked a poison envelope.
Maybe that's why he can't
remember anything.
Not knowing where to take Tick,
Bod let Tick stay with him.
Bod's room began to get very clean
due to Tick licking everything.
Tick licks everything, but it is also
his way of expressing affection.
But Bod doesn't like having
to wash his face constantly.
Can I lick you for a bit?
Bod takes Tick along in his taxi
in the hope that someone will
recognise him.
Nobody seemed to know Tick.
At least, most got out of the car
before their destination.