That's Sanju!
- You failed again!
Yet again! And this time
you've broken even my record
How did you manage
to get 3.5% in Hindi?
Tell you what, if you pass this year
I'll give you a "Cadabury"...
that too a milky one!
- Come again
She means Milk Cadbury.
- Yes, milk one!
Sweet boy!
And where's the other one?
Student name?
- Lakshman Prasad Sharma
Your name?
- Ram Sharma
Can't give another student's
information to you
Just find out if...
Want information? We'll take it out
from the college computer...
during the lunch break!
Piece of cake
How much longer?
- Almost done
This is a race between
Lucky and Vivek
Lucky, who is our favourite
And Vivek, who is a bit angry
So whoever runs upto the roof...
and gets the college flag
for Mini gets a huge...
Are you mad?
I'd just said race!
You guys will be rusticated!
Why? Are you scared, Lucky?