Don't be scared
I'm here now
Let go
I didn't know you were so fit.
Were you in the army?
Hey, stop that!
You're okay now
No, no, why do you keep
calling me Lakshman?
Because Lakshman your name
But no one knows my real name
in the college
It doesn't go with the image!
You will not squeal, okay?
Okay. Image!
Stop trembling first
And what do you think of my image?
- Your image is set
Idiot! You freaked me out!
Didn't I say it's too dangerous?
What 'Okay'?
What if something had happened?
You didn't even think about
what your mother would go through
How do you know mom?
I don't. I mean...
you must have a mom,
- True. Everybody has a mom
Not everyone.
You are very lucky