What's up, Lucky?
- Nothing
You could talk to me
No thanks
Hang on... Army...
Food's here
Ram, are you interested in the army?
A lot.
Army guys are different
Don't you think?
I mean, their style
or anything...
My father used to say
"It's a man's life"
Medals on the chest,
discipline, guns, tanks...
giving up life for the country...
They are so distinguished
Aren't they?
Mom, I'm going out
Mom why do you do this
to yourself.
Sorry pal, I hate the army
I'm not interested in their style
or their uniform
They and their problems
can go take a hike
- Mom, you know I hate their display
What is all this 'uniform,
patriotic duty... ' all bullshit!
Speak with some respect Lakshman!