Main Hoon Na

I do want to know
why he behaved like this

Tell me, why did you sneak
into our lives?

Did you think we'd accept you, and
forget everything?

Will I forget the twenty years
I spent like a widow?

Twenty years,
which will never return

Did you think that if you
escort me to the temple once...

and touch my feet,
everything will be set right?

No, Ma
Wounds twenty years deep do not
get filled in twenty days, Ram

Go, tell your father that
we don't need him anymore...

we're used to living without him
And this is his penance too,
to live without us...

and die without seeing our faces
Pack up and leave
There's no place
in my home for you even today

Just a minute, Ram
What were you hoping to achieve?
Why did you do all this? Why?
I had come here to fulfill
my father's last wish
