Dude, what'd I tell you?
You don't smoke herb.
Yeah, so get it out of my face.
I'm just fucking with you.
You're not a faggot, all right?
Fist bump?
Fist bump?
OK, zero kilter.
Besides, I like your dads, Clyde.
I never knew any homosexual men
personally until I met them.
They're not so bad.
Don't you think so, Rocky?
Clyde, don't worry about Marty.
It's just B.S.
OK? Come on. It's B.S.
OK? It's B.S.! B.S.! Come on!
Hello? George?
Hey, hey. This is Rocky Maris,
Sam's older brother.
Yeah. I got your number
off the call list.
Is that OK? Great.
Well, what I wanted to call
you about was...
Is that I'm inviting you to...
To a party for Sam.
Now, I know that you two have
been having some trouble lately.
But you know what?
He's always talking about
how cool you are.
And it would really mean a lot
to him if you could come.