- Nice.
- Thank you, George.
Yeah, I once skipped
a rock on this lake,
it skipped, like,
a thousand times.
Let's get her in the water.
Aye, aye, capitan.
Calling off the plan.
I'll tell you later.
It's all taken care of.
Hey! You guys should take
your shoes off
if you don't want
to get them wet.
Too late. They're soaked.
This is gonna be fun,
don't you think?
Yeah. But whoever didn't
bring life jackets
on a boat trip's a moron.
Hey, you know
I have athlete's foot?
- Get in.
- You are so disgusting.
Oh, my gosh.
Row, two, three, four!
One, two, three, four...
Sam loves it, don't you lie