Oh, yeah.
Nothing beats a good piss
in the river.
Except, of course,
a good romping session
of a stupid, ugly, dumb,
pathetic piece of shit.
- Yeah, we gotta talk about that.
- Yeah?
What's to talk about?
I want to call it off.
I'm not laughing.
I'm dead serious.
Wait a minute.
First, you get me all juiced up.
You make me steal my mom's car.
You get me out here
on a Saturday
when I could be at home
watching TV.
- Marty, come on.
- Then you have me steering
the fucking Titanic all across the river
with a bunch of munchkins
who are totally sober
and bringing me down.
Now, you mean to tell me
we don't even get to do
what we came out here for?
I had no idea the guy
was gonna turn out so nice.
Check it out, Rock,
he's not nice!
He's a spoiled, retarded punk
who beat up your brother.
OK, maybe I feel a little sorry
for him now.
OK, well, then I'm gonna
give you two choices:
You're either hard as hell
and you're yanking my chain,
or you're the limpest dick
I've ever met in my life.
- Everyone wants to call it off.
- Well, everyone is a vagina!
You don't even have
a real grudge against him.
If you were any kind
of a good brother,
you wouldn't let Sammy boy
get the shit kicked out of him
and then stroke the beater-upper's dick
all day long.
- Just remember the plan's off.
- Yeah.
I just wonder if,
when push came to shove,
if you'd have my back.
Hey, Clyde.
Remember when you were in the
fourth grade, and I was in third, and I...
I smacked you across the face
with a bat?
- How could I forget?
- Maybe you had that thing
where you forget
from getting hit in the head.
- Amnesia?
- Yeah.
Anyway, I was trying to remember.
- Why'd I do it?
- I don't know.
You must've done something.
No, I never do anything to anybody.