OK, then.
- Truth or dare?
- Dare.
All right.
I dare you to pull down
your pants and your underwear,
and show us that famous dick of yours
for at least ten seconds.
Ten seconds.
Wow, you are a killer, Sam.
All right, I will do it,
because I am proud of my boys.
But if I do,
I don't want anyone else
wimping out on their dares.
So let's see the penis.
- Bring on the penis!
- All right.
Millie, close your eyes.
Marty doesn't want to go to jail.
No cameras.
We ready?
That's sick.
- Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
- Oh! OK. OK.
All right.
You fucking asshole.
- It was hairy as a chimp!
- Yeah, was it?
Oh, shit! Oh, shit!
It looked like a giant frog.
All right, assholes.
That was pretty funny, douche bag.
- At first I thought it was all deformed,
- Thank you.
- Because it was just so fucking ugly.
- OK. All right.
Have you gotten out
all your stupid chuckles yet?
Have I gotten out all
my stupid chuckles? No!
All right. Well, whenever you're done,
let me know, because it's my turn next.
"Whenever you're done, let me know,
because it's my turn next."
- What are you doing?
- Yeah, well, what are you doing?
- Stop imitating me.
- "Stop imitating me."
- Enough is enough!
- "Enough is enough!"
Is that what your dad says to you?
You don't know shit about my father.
If you ever say anything
about my father again, I will kill you.
Do you understand?
Marty, I...
I was just messing around with you.
OK, messing boy.
I dare you to strip butt naked
and jump in the river.
Marty, leave him alone.
I did my dare.