What if we say
we were playing Truth or Dare,
and then we dared him
to jump into the river,
and he did, and he drowned.
What the hell are you doing?
Looking for his fucking
video camera.
If it gets found, then everybody
finds out what we did.
Everyone's gonna find out
what we did,
regardless if the video camera
gets found, Marty.
Not if we don't want them to.
Are you joking?
Look, this was a prank that went
wrong. We come completely clean.
No one's got a ton of sympathy
for guys who throw fat kids in the river.
All right? If we turn ourselves in,
we're all screwed.
What do you think's
gonna happen, Marty?
Superman's gonna fly around
Earth and turn back time?
No. I don't think Superman's
going to turn back time.
Think we gotta bury the body.
Rocky, if we bury the body, it's gonna
look like we did it on purpose.
If we bury the body,
we're not gonna look like anything.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Yeah, well, maybe out of your mind,
you stupid fuck.
Look, we just committed
a major fucking crime.
And if any one of us cracks,
we are all gonna be screwed.
Look, it was an accident. Kids like us
have accidents all the time.
This wasn't just an accident.
All right? We schemed this,
from the beginning.
All right, so fine, we schemed.
No one has to know that.