Medurat Hashevet

They're here to buy the car,
they don't need to know I'm a widow.

Tell them your father's not home,
but your Mom is. It's okay, go on.

Esty can go.
- I won't be part of this.

Hi, we're here about the Peugeot.
My father's not home.
- When is he due back?

I don't know.
It's about the car? Good,
come on in, I'll get the keys.

My husband just stepped out.
- We don't want to disturb...

I'll bring the papers.
- We work nearby.

We'll come back when your husband's
at home. Have a nice day.

See you.
My father died of cancer a year
ago, two weeks before Lag B'Omer.

I was 15 at the time.
This week
the year of mourning ended

and Mom finally decided
to sell Dad's car.

It's been sitting in the same spot
since Dad last parked it there.

Since these are hard times for the
people of Israel, Mom also decided

to join the founding group of
a new settlement in the West Bank.

But first she has to pass Motke
Kupfer's acceptance committee.

This is Motke.
He likes to have his picture taken
with important people.

Mom always says that Motke
is one of the most influential
people in Religious Zionism.

But I think that my father
didn't like him much.

Shula, his wife,
is a good friend of my mother's

and Ya'ir, their youngest son,
is in my youth group.

Even the Minister of Interior
came to his Bar Mitzva.

Okay, tell us what you do.
I'm a construction engineer,
I work for a building company.

I'm an insurance agent.
- I'm a lawyer in a Tel-Aviv office.

I'm a special-ed teacher. - I'm an
English teacher for 5th graders.

Tell him what you do in the army.
In reserve duty,
I'm a battalion commander.
