Medurat Hashevet

I see no problem here.
Okay, Rachel. Let us think about it
and get back to you.

Keep up the good work!
I'd just like to tell you
that being a part of this settlement
is very important to me.

You don't need another guard.
You need someone
who believes in the cause.

Someone strong enough
to withstand the difficulties,

and I have that strength more than
most of the people you know here.

This is my dream.
His name is Yossi Moraly.
The sweetest man, a bachelor.

If it's okay, I'll give him
your number. He'll call you.

Say yes, Rachel.
What's there to lose?

I've been planning this
for a year now.

It will also help them see
that you're serious.

I'm very serious. That's why
I said what I did earlier.

I just hope they understood me.
So you agree?
Can I give him your number?

All right.
What did you say his name was?

Yossi Moraly.

Why do you have to beg them?
If they want you, they'll say so.
And if they don't,

there's nothing for you there

What do you mean, "if they don't
want us?" They don't.

Didn't you see how they treated us?
As though we were lepers
or something.

Anyway I'm not moving to that place.
There's nothing for me there.

So where do you intend to live?
I'm renting out the apartment.

If you rent it, I'll live on the
street and become a prostitute.

You'll have one daughter a settler
and another daughter a hooker.

What will you do?
Drag me there by force?

I don't want to live in that
settlement with your friends.

And I decided that at all costs,
no matter what,

this year I'll be happy.
Ignore them.
- Tammy Gerlick!

What's up?
Tammy Gerlick, what's up?
Got your period today?

Do you know them?
- They're in my youth group.
