Esty, be careful not to walk
barefoot here now.
What are you doing?
No one locks doors in my house.
You want privacy?
Get married.
Tammy, be careful
not to walk barefoot here.
Are you out of your mind?
You're a total psycho! What's wrong
with you? You should be committed.
I swear, I'll call the police!
Tammy. Bring me the garbage-can.
- Does this seem normal to you?
Why are you helping this madwoman?
Think I care?
I'll show you privacy!
Help! There's a crazy woman here!
Someone call the police!
If you don't come inside,
I'll smash your guitar.
If you touch my guitar, I'll take
off my clothes for everyone to see!
We'll see what they think of that
at the acceptance committee.
My Dad's in army reserve duty.
Call back in a month.
We've decided to accept you
to the founding group.
But for a trial period.
I'm very sorry, Rachel,
but you have to understand.
A settlement is like a
delicate plant. A tiny plant.
Too much wind, too much rain,
and the plant dies.
So before I put it in the ground,
I have to make sure
it's strong, that all
the elements are at their best.