Medurat Hashevet

I just wanted to tell you
not to be offended by what happened.

That Goslan guy is insane.
It's okay.
But thanks.

Who's the soldier
who was with you the other day?

Who, llan?
- He's just Yaniv's brother.

He doesn't have any friends his age,
so he hangs out with us.

I hope that's not yours.
Actually, it is.
It's okay, you can sit.
No one's touched it for a year.
I bet the battery's dead.
You know about cars?
- A little. Why?

The battery's dead.

Not just the battery...
Is this weird for you?
Why didn't you want us to visit you
while you were mourning?

Who said I didn't want you to?
That's what they said.
Ya'ir and Ayala would come to
the Center, huddle-up in a corner,

and then they'd choose the
delegation to comfort you.

Whoever wasn't chosen would stay
at the meeting with all the geeks.

So you stayed with the geeks?
The geeks and the lowlifes.
But then I went home.
That's how it is, when Ya'ir
and Ayala and you aren't there,

there is no point in staying.
Don't you know that?
