Meet the Fockers

What the heck is that contraption?

- I thought you were flying in tonight.
- I left you a message.

- I didn't get a message.
- I left five messages.

Will you get over here
and plant one on me?

I've been waiting so long
to see my best buddy.

- Good to see you.
- Come here. Come here.

- I missed your smell.
- All right.

Is this not the most handsome
young man you've ever seen?

I used to call him
a young Jewish Marlon Brando.

Can you believe I conceived him
with one testicle?

No, really. It's true.
I only have one
because the other one never dropped.

It's not uncommon.
But look at him.

Imagine what he would have
looked like if I had two.

That's a good icebreaker.
There's the sexiest
second-grade teacher I've ever seen.

That was a good one.
Gets her every time.
Goose bumps. She loves it.

I'm Dina Byrnes.
It's so nice to meet you.

The pleasure is all mine,
mon cherie.

- You gotta be the flower man.
- Right. Jack Byrnes. Pam's father.

Bernard Focker, Gaylord's father.
We're all grown-ups here,
and we shake hands like men.

All right.
We're just playing here.
Give me some love.

We're family now.
What are you so shy about?
Come here.

Look at those pecs.
You're harder than sheetrock.

You gotta work out
with weights, right?

I do calisthenics
and medicine-ball training

and I play bi-monthly football.
Oh, football.
I was just practising my capoeira.

- What?
- What?

The Brazilian martial-art
of dance-fighting.

He knows what that is. Yeah.
