Don't therapise the Byrneses
this weekend. At all. OK?
A few minutes of concentrated work
with him and Dina,
she'd get him to blow like Krakatoa.
Right. OK. Yeah.
You know what?
Just give me one day
without any complications.
We get through it, everybody
goes off, we go on with our lives.
- Can we do that?
- You got it, dude.
- Thank you.
- Hon?
- Put the hat back on the door.
- No.
- No cowboy hat this weekend.
- But tonight doesn't count.
- All aboard.
- My God, that tickles.
Morning, partner.
- Morning.
- Sleep OK?
I slept all right, thank you.
It's nice all of us being here together,
don't you think?
Bernard, do you mind
if I have some privacy?
Almost done.
Bernie, this frittata is wonderful.
What's in it?
A lot of the taste comes from
this skillet. I never wash it.
Hey, guys, can I have
everybody's attention, please?
Gay, I'll be back in a sec.
OK. Dad? All right.
- So... Mom?
- Yeah.
I know we've been talking about
having the wedding in October,
but Pam and I have been
playing around with some ideas
and we're thinking
of moving it up to June.
- Nice.
- This June?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
That's... That's in a month.
I always wanted a spring wedding.
We can announce it
at the party tonight.
- Good idea.
- Wait. What party?
Jack, let's play football.
Your father and I
are throwing an engagement soirée
for you two lovebirds.