Dad, you've got to focus.
He's beating you down the field.
- You want me to be macho-wacho?
- What?
Have I ever said "macho-wacho" to you?
I got it.
Gay, I won't disappoint you.
OK, let's try again.
I want to stop and go.
Fake the short pass and hit me
with a Hail Mary. Got that?
Yeah. Do you want
to mix it up a little, or...
No. I've exposed Bernie's weakness.
I want to take advantage of it.
Exposed his weakness?
OK. All right. On four?
Just you and me, Jack.
Mano a mano.
Think you can take me, Flower Man?
Pretty sure I can, Mr Mom.
You're going down, Byrnesy boy.
I'm gonna rearrange your bouquet.
Sell the pump-fake, Greg.
That Focker's gonna bite.
One. Two. Three.
- Oh, God.
- Daddy, are you OK?
Shit. Jack, don't move.
- Hey, Jack, are you OK?
- I'm fine, Greg. Thank you.
I see that kind of injury all the time.
Let me give you a quick exam.
No, I'm fine.
I'll have my doctor look at it at home.