- Hello, Greg.
- Hi, Jack.
Did you have a nice conversation
with your son?
Jack, I never even
met that kid before.
Focker, you've been
covering this up from the beginning.
No, I haven't, Jack. It's just
another one of your crazy theories.
Greg, you're still in
the Circle of Trust,
so I'm gonna give you
one more chance.
Are you ready to admit
you've been hiding this from Pam?
No, I haven't.
- You're not hiding anything?
- No.
All right?
Oh, Greg...
What are you holding?
What's in your hand?
I can see in the mirror.
There's something in your hand.
- Don't worry about it.
- Is that a needle?
Yes, it is.
You seem tense.
I was going to offer you a sedative.
- You're joking, right?
- No, I'm not.
- Jack...
- Is that tartar sauce on your shoulder?
Tartar sauce?
You've been injected with
a concentrated dose of sodium pentothal,
street name "truth serum".
You will have no recollection of this.
Tonight, for the first time in
your life, you are going to be honest.
Keep the pressure on it.
Get down, Little Jack.
Get funky.
- Hey there, preggers.
- Quiet.
- How you doing?
- Where've you been?
I went to the bathroom to pee,
and now I am talking to you, my fiancée,
who I've delayed marrying for two years
because I didn't want
our parents to meet.
- What?
- What?
You don't like me? It's OK.
I don't like your little red outfit.
Makes you look
like a demon baby.