That is none of your business,
- Gay?
- Return to your camper.
At ease. Put away the TASER.
- Jack Byrnes, CIA.
- Cl-what?
It says here you're retired.
What you gonna show me now, old timer?
- Your AARP card?
- You listen to me. Listen good.
- What's he doing?
- Don't worry.
- He'll get us out of this.
- You have...
- Stand down, sir.
- I will not. You stand down.
- I will not stand down.
- You will.
Or you'll be working security
in a retirement home.
Remain calm.
It's been an hour.
You think they caught up with him?
I'm sure, sweetheart.
If I know Bernie,
they're in a café in Little Havana,
eating chimichangas
and working out their issues.
Check it out.
He's got a rubber booby.
- What's going on?
- I talked to Judge Goldfarb.
It's done. We're out.
- You were making our call.
- I ran into the judge.
- I took care of everything.
- Yeah, right.
What are you saying, Jack?
If you had kept your mouth shut,
we wouldn't be in this mess.
I'm a lawyer.
I'm trying to get us out.
Give the judge your fondue recipe?
I'm comfortable enough in my skin
to cook for my family.
When did you last give Dina
breakfast in bed?
When did you last give her
anything in bed?
- You're out of line.
- You are out of line.
- You are.
- You hurt my feelings.
There is no reason
to hurt my feelings.
- Stop it.
- He insulted me.
Yeah, well,
this isn't about you, all right?
Either of you.
It's about me and Pam.
We're getting married. That's it.
We're starting our own Circle of Trust
and guess what, you're not in it.
You can't start a Circle of Trust.
It's my circle.