I think I can get Judge Ira
to marry you guys.
I don't think so,
If it's all right with you,
I already have a minister in mind.
Oh, God, Daddy, you didn't?
Meeting Greg
made an impression on Kevin.
He spent eight months on a kibbutz,
took an internet course
and got ordained an interfaith minister.
Jack told me that you were OK
with me conducting the ceremony.
- I hope that's true.
- I think it's great you're doing it.
I mean, it is a little weird.
Listen to me when I say this.
Pam and I did not have one-tenth
of the spiritual connection
you two obviously share.
I look at you both together
and you're beautiful. I get it.
- OK?
- OK.
- Thank you, Kevin.
- Thank you, Greg.
You're gonna be a great mom, Pamcake.
Thank you, Daddy.
And who gives this woman to this man?
I do. Jack Tiberius Byrnes.
- Sorry, Greg.
- OK.