Forty-something-year-old gentleman
seeks guy to hire.
- Did you sleep well?
- Not bad.
How about you?
Like a baby.
Are you hungry?
You want me to go buy bread?
No, I never eat anything in the morning.
I'm going down for the paper anyway.
What do you want,
croissant, pain au chocolat?
- I said, I never eat anything in the morning.
- Jesus, you scared me!
- Is that him?
- Who?
Is he your murderer?
I heard you last night
doing the phone thing.
- I thought you slept like a baby.
- Since when are babies great sleepers?
No, it's not him.
Are you angry?
Angry? What about?
- Because I did it in your place.
- Do as you please.
If you think you'll find love
at the other end of the line, dial away.
But leave your father's murder to the police.
I don't want to come back
and find you dead on the couch.
I think you should spend the day with me.
But only if you come to the opera
with me tonight.
To the opera, what on earth for?
You want me to see my mother?
Okay, but only if you come.
To the opera with the two of you?
No, with me. She sings.
- Is she a diva?
- I'll say.