It will be much better
if you see your mother alone.
- I promised.
- Please, I want to go home.
- Come on, she's not going to bite you.
- Says you. I'm off.
I'm doing this for you, Dr. Rey.
I hope you're proud of me
because I'm scared stiff.
Would they've given me a standing ovation
if they hadn't already been standing...
for that little what's-her-name, Li¨´?
Of course they would.
- They didn't stay standing just to be polite?
- You were marvelous, darling.
Just marvelous.
Damn that goody two-shoes.
God knows why Claude
had me wear this veil the whole time.
We could hear you perfectly well.
Would you prefer that we leave you
and just meet you at the party?
No, stay. I'm not sure I'm going, actually.
I'm waiting for my son.
How is Thomas?
I can tell we're going to have
one of those interminable discussions...
between a wicked witch of a mother...
and a son who knows everything about life.
If it's about girls, and it always is...
I have just one piece of advice:
Accept his girlfriends.
Accept them, and smile...
and wait until it's over.
It's the only solution.
Sybil is right.
Come in!
- You were very good, Mom.
- Thank you.
Dressing Room N. 8
I have a friend I want you to meet.
You have a friend you want me to meet?
- This is...
- No, allow me.
Everybody, meet Linda.