you know, if we wanted
to do this film or not,
l was wondering
if having these guys in here...
would affect that.
'Cause I'm just...
There's an intimacy that you get
when it's just a few people in the room,
and I'm just wondering
if that's gonna get lost,
if we're gonna go back to sort of, like...
battling each other
and trying to be, like, all strong and...
What intimacy?
What the fuck are you talking about?
l think, to me, it's not gonna be a matter
of whether the cameras are in play,
but whether or not you guys
are free enough to risk
being seen by other people.
We're here in the Presidio
in San Francisco...
and this is gonna be
the location where Metallica
is gonna start recording
their next album.
We decided that we didn't wanna
go back into a studio again
and do kind of like the same thing
we had done before.
We had to kind of change things up.
And this is one of the things
that we talked about,
was to go into a space
that's not a studio.
Bring in kind of like a portable studio,
or a makeshift studio,
and basically make
the situation uncomfortable.
You know, don't buy new furniture,
don't paint the walls.
Don't do anything.
Just keep it Spartan, keep it crude.