This is... this is part of me that's
trying to be "unfamous," I guess.
But it's also
a go-against-the-rules attitude.
You know, is this something posed?
l mean, yes, this is a pose.
l mean, am I driving down the street
to not get noticed in this thing?
l mean, "rebellious" is kind of
what this says, I would say.
- Have you got a plug in here?
- Wait, wait, wait.
So what exactly are you doing?
Well, you'll just hold it
above the pick-ups.
Oh, OK. I gotcha.
Give me fire,
give me that which I desire
Give me fuel, give me fire,
give me that which I desire
Give me fuel, give me fire,
give me that which I desire
l got some bad news.
- Gonna have to...
- Change the lyrics?
- I like this thing, Bob.
- What?
l like this thing.
l used to kid myself that art
was my great escape away from music.
And I think l've become increasingly
aware that my interest in art,
music and Metallica
is not separate from anything.
You know, why does he feel that there's
enough of that kind of gold thing?
How come there isn't another 20 strokes
up in that black area up there