Metallica: Some Kind of Monster

Fuck you up
No, no, no, no,
l can't say no

Can't say no, no, no
No, no, no, can't say no
Oh, no, I can't say no
Go away
Leave me be
Just leave me be
So, what were the reactions you got
from those close?

l mean, how did the family react?
I'm just... I don't know.
Sometimes I'm a real ass about it

and just come in and say, you know,
"Oh, by the way,

I'm going to Russia
for two weeks right here."

You know, and, "What?", you know?
Yeah, I'm getting better at that,
you know, 'cause...

That was the most
l missed my family, ever.

- You know?
- Right.

And it was, you know,
Castor's first birthday I missed.

- Right.
- And it was...

Of course, we had
a little vodka, to Castor.

You know, a little shot for him
and everything.

But I would have loved to
have been able to get ahold of home.

- Who's here?
- This is Daddy's working.
