Metallica: Some Kind of Monster

So I think one of our responsibilities here
is to act like a band is still continuing.

We're going on.
We're doing our exploring.

We're exploring ourselves individually.
We're exploring our relationships.

And we really need to get together,
talk about this,

act like the band exists,
because it does exist.

And if we don't do that,
then we are the co-producers

of the process slipping off the planet.
It's a bit of a shit sandwich, though.
What is it, the unraveling of a band?
And then there were two?
So, uh, a good friend of mine phoned me,
and he knew where James was.

- Really?
- Yeah.

He couldn't even imagine James
doing anything for six months.

I'm prepared for the worst.
I'm pretty confident that, you know,
we will come together
when the time is right.

But knowing when that time will come...
or not knowing when that time will come,
