a softer, more caring,
compassionate person
than he allowed himself
to be to most people.
l can remember
from the Dave Mustaine days,
l mean, when him and Dave Mustaine...
These guys, they started, like,
right away with their big, you know,
chest-beating and their mannerisms.
And the whole thing was very much
about this kind of, like, macho.
And it was just, like,
l couldn't deal with that stuff.
And looking back on, what,
18, 19 years ago,
l mean, I just feIt so alienated
because it was just so far removed
from the upbringing
that I come from.
Well, here's to you, my friends.
But then, at the same time,
I'm starting to realizing now
that the sort of depressive things
that show up as a resuIt
of the alcohol and stuff like that,
it was just very difficuIt for him
- to communicate from the heart...
- You want some or not?
...and not hide behind
a lot of these different fronts.
Whether it's alcohol that gives him
a false sense of strength,
or "the frontman in Metallica," or, you
know, macho bullshit and all that stuff.
All right, now you guys are drunk
and I'm drunk.
Now this is the fun part, man.
l want to help him,
l want to be there for him,
and I want to do the best I can to
make him the best person that he can be.
So I don't know how the fuck
it's gonna play out.