This whole gig has
brought all of this on, hasn't it?
- Yes, it has. It's made me feel like...
- You really wanna come clean.
It made me feel like such a loser.
l mean, I can't hold
my band together, you know?
l start records, I don't finish them.
l fucking...
Jason is the future.
Metallica's the past.
l've never had a break like this,
in 20 years. Do you know what I mean?
And just what's been kind of getting me
is just not knowing.
Do you know what I mean?
Not knowing, and not hearing,
that's just like...
It just eats away at you.
Kirk talked to him.
- I talked to James today.
- Oh, cool.
What did he say?
He basically said that, you know,
his family's the priority right now,
and he needs time
to work on his family
before he can reach out
to his other family, being us.
And that he loves us, and he just needs
for us to understand that he needs time.
And he also went on about
how difficuIt it was talking to you
about it, because he feIt pressured.
And, you know, he spoke about
how you always need to be
in control of the situation,
or in control of the schedule, or whatever.
And he said that this is a time
he needs complete control
of the situation.
And he said, you know,
all the Marc Reiters, and the Bob Rocks,
all that stuff, you know, just has...
"l can't think of that right now."