- I think we have it.
- OK.
OK. Now we got to talk about it.
You started talking about
the idea of the guitar solo,
as we have known it,
maybe being something
that was a little outdated,
and maybe reintroducing
some riff-a-rama things.
But can I say something
that I think is bullshit?
This whole fucking solo
outdates the whole thing.
That's so bullshit. You know?
lf you put a guitar so... if you don't
put a guitar solo in one of these songs,
that dates it to this period.
And that's cemented to a trend
that's happening in music right now.
l think that's stupid,
and I think it's totally trendy.
That's not what I said. It's always
been about, like, where could it go
that's kind of new and interesting,
instead of repeating something
from the past.
I'm not interested in playing
traditional guitar solos anymore.
- You know, that's just... For me it's...
- And you told me that.
...it's just boring, you know?
To me, if you can add a color
to the song that satisfies you
and works for the song,
then that's what we should do with it.
But I don't want to get
in the position
where it's, like,
we put something down on the tape
to satisfy your ego, my ego,
Lars' ego or James' ego.