l think it should serve
what's going down.
Like, in other words, there shouldn't be,
like, a rule of no solos.
There shouldn't be a rule of solos.
It should be...
And I agree. I mean, it really is,
to me, all about serving the song,
and, you know, I feel
much better about that.
Because, you know, I just don't
want to follow certain trends
that I see other bands following.
We don't necessarily have to
stick to our traditional way,
but we also don't have to
follow that trend.
I'm actually very, very comfortable
with my role in the band, you know?
l've actually always been very, very
comfortable with my role in the band.
I'm not a really egotistical person.
ln fact, I spend a large amount of my time
trying to, like, downplay my ego,
and get it even smaller and smaller.
That's part of my beliefs.
l try to be an example of
being egoless to the other guys.
"Hi! This is Kirk from Metallica."
"And if you want money,
you'll listen to us!"
And then some other guy's
gonna give you some cash.
20 years' worth of integrity and,
you know, credibility and all that.