The next five minutes
is gonna change all that.
"Hey, man, keep it locked
right here and..." What?
"We'll help you score $1,000."
"This is James from Metallica.
Survey says, 'You need cash."'
"Your money shot to snatch
a bunch of cash is coming soon."
"ln order to suck
both nationwide radio chains off,
we are now standing here,
having to do this fucking stupid thing."
"Up to 50 motherfucking grand,
"Win a bunch of money, and walk away."
This is stupid!
"Sharpen that booger-picking finger.
and be the 50th..."
"Hey, it's Lars from Metallica.
I'm about to stick 50 grand up your ass."
One dollar at a time.
l was telling Lars last night,
that was hard for me to see
you guys squirm like you were.
- Yeah.
- Because I wanted to say anything,
and it's not my place to say anything.
l can't imagine Bono or The Edge
going on the radio saying...
what you guys are being asked to say.
- Dad, can I have one of those?
- Go for it.
Shall we catch up
on all this radio stuff?
- Uh-huh.
- OK.
Now, they're the biggest chain in America.
You know, it's like 75, 80 stations
or something.
And if you guys think
it's crappy, as a radio thing,
those guys think it's good.
l mean, that's their idea.