- Was there a turning point?
- Yeah, I think when we had accumulated
what we thought to be, you know,
a great kind of...
Uh, I don't know.
...cross section of material,
we took stock, so to speak.
The only songs that are
gonna make it to the album
are the songs that
all four of us vote on.
And out of 30-plus songs,
only four songs got all four votes.
Sweet Amber
Sweet Amber
Sweet Amber
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?
- Yes.
- Yeah, right.
Wow. I mean, there's some
explosive playing. The shit just takes off.
It's like you guys have spent all this time
to come back to find yourselves.
- That's what it sounds like to me.
- 17 to go.
Yeah, how are you doin'?
You wanna hear more?
- Wanna hear some more?
- I'm just getting started. Yeah.
Squeeze all within my hands
Choke within my hands
I'm madly in anger with you
I'm madly in anger with you,
I'm madly in anger with you