Metallica: Some Kind of Monster

All this hurt I'm in
Times, times, at times like this
You got what you're comin' to
Destruct without, within, withal
l crush your spine,
so that gets broken too

Oh, do it
Temptation, fill no hole
No! No, no!
You know, the first four songs
you've played me

all pretty much knocked me out, OK?
But if you've got it going, you want it
to hammer all the way through.

You want people to be able
to really listen and say,

"Jesus Christ,
there's no letting up from these guys."

"There's no fuckin' let-up."
Fuck ballads. You know?

There definitely
is some Presidio stuff that...

l feIt maybe...
You got to analyze it.

Maybe you're watering it down
in some way.

That's all.
- It's your call.
- Yeah.

l remember writing that thing.

It came out. It flowed totally instantly.
"Temptation" kind of sums up
all the lyrics that are in this new...
kind of project. So...
And that's cool, because that was done
long before recovery and all that, so...

l mean, I can tell that
you're singing your heart out.

You're definitely wearing your heart
on your sleeve on that song.
