To me, it's more like a jam.
ls there a song in there?
Potentially, you know,
there's almost nothing there
that can't be turned into something
better than it is, or something that
could probably get pretty fuckin' close
to being something
on a Metallica record.
You know, but then it just goes away
from what the purpose -
or at least what I see
the purpose being today,
which is show up with what you...
You know, what are your A-pluses?
You know?
Well, when I hear Lars talk about we can
whip anything into decent shape, I agree.
And we did that on Load and Reload.
And this is us trying to choose before
we take it to those extremes, you know?
- That makes sense.
- Yeah.
That was a pretty major thing that
l think Lars and I clicked on together.
That, wow, l'd heard him,
and he heard me.
It's, like, "Oh, OK."
It's like it takes
the cutting edge off of it,
or the personal attack off of it,
you know?
Things are a lot less dramatic
than they used to be
within the chemistry
of the four of us.
Less head games, abuse of power
and soap-opera bullshit.
But can we just do one thing?
For lack of a better word,
when it comes in with the drums,
l just want you to scream "Fuck"
as hard as you can fuckin' scream.
Can you stand up?