$300,000 on the telephone.
It's two of you in the room,
selling right, fair warning at $300,000.
Jean-Paul? $300,000.
21 is the...
..to Modena on the reverse,
the Jean-Michel Basquiat
showing on the screen there on my right.
- All right, here we go.
- Be strong, my friend.
- One million nine hundred thousand...
- One-nine... two million!
One million one hundred thousand...
three hundred thousand...
Can we get more cocktails?
Three million two hundred thousand...
- 720.
- Three million dollars.
- One-four.
- For you, sir, $260,000.
And selling at $5 million.
Brett, yours at $5 million.
All right!
It went well. I got myself drunk
to numb the pain.
But it went well. I'm happy.