Metallica: Some Kind of Monster

And I understand about that,
and l... I don't want for my mind to...

"The Zone.
Admission is believing."

l guess I'm not gonna be
playing today, then, huh?

Well, I'm gonna go out
and make phone calls.

So everybody's...
You know, we've had a fabulous few
weeks with a lot of great productivity,

a lot of really good stuff goin' on.
The more we feel good
about ourselves and each other,

and the higher we ascend,
the more challenging it will be

- to our psyches.
- You know, I understand it,

l embrace it and all that stuff.
But sometimes it just bugs me.

l think the, uh... that thing
was kind of buggin' me yesterday.

All of them around the studio,
it was just kind of, like,

that way of thinking
just doesn't work for me all the time.

And I was a little pissed off at it,
because right now in my life

it's not really working for me.
- I'm glad to know that's what you think.
- I agree with that. Wholeheartedly.

And if you feel that way
and wish to share that more directly,

- l'd appreciate that, too.
- Rather than tearing the signs down?

We pay him $40,000 a month to be pretty
much available at our beck and call.

So when this record's done, do we want
to collectively end the $40,000-a-month...
