Uh, whatever.
What five-strings do you have?
This one's five-string.
Keep searching
Keep on searching
This search goes on,
this search goes on
The band... These guys collectively
probably own, like,
five to 600 guitars,
so they're not all here.
On and on,
frantic tick-tick-tick
Tick-tick-tick-tock, frantic
Tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tock, frantic
Tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tock, frantic
You went into another voice there, dude.
Which one of me are you talking to?
Think that we should just spend the next
two-and-a-half hours with this guy.
Don't you?
l had a vision of us
jamming with him the last hour.
l guess I just feel this is just kind of,
like, weird to keep, like, just...
doin' our own thing -
it just feels not welcoming.
This morning I heard him say
he was pretty comfortable.
It's not about what he says.
- It's about what I feel.
- All right?
- Are we cool, James?
- Yeah!
l guess the only other thing
l'd like to say is, you know,
when we leave this
up to just how we're feeling,
a lot of it depends
on how you're feeling.
You know, when you
say those things.
Not that I want to break up
what you guys are discussing,
if you wanna go deeper,
you know?
But I think what might
be really good is to