- So?
- It was an accident.
I heard it.
Did you call the police?
Not yet. Your dad called
a lawyer, a friend.
Ask if he was lying down
when he fired.
He said they fell on
the floor, fighting.
If he shot him lying, at close
range, it was a fight.
If he shot him from a distance,
he must invent another story.
OK, I'll ask.
Does he know
where the guy's wife is?
I've asked, he doesn't know.
I'll go back in there.
Ask him if he's really
the ex-husband.
OK, I'll ask. Don't worry.
I'll be right back.
One tlme my uncle trled to open
a barcalled'The Garden of Eder'.
And he asked me to create
a webslte for hlm.
It was a sushl barwlth computers
on the tables.
It cost a fortune.
He closed the bar and my dad
had to buy 3 computers:
1 forour place,2for hls offlce.
He dld It to helpuncle, because
the computers klnd of sucked.
The confuslons he got Into
were a drag, they lasted months.
But I'd neverthought that
he could klll anyone.
I thlnk It really was an accldent.
Come in.
Roger is here.
Let 's share this?
Yes. Did you ask?
He thinks it was as the guy was
getting up. It was an accident.
Did the bullet hit his belly?
He doesn't know. It was an
accident. It was the guy's gun.
- The ex-husband's?
- Yes.
They weren't legally separated,
but they weren't living together.
They must find out
if she is his heir.
- What do you mean?
- Lf she's the guy's heir...
they had a motive to kill him.
Well, Roger is a lawyer.
Let them talk.