The problem Is
I'm totally In love wlth Isa.
And, of course,
she's totally In love wlth Kld.
And, of course, I can't tell
anyone thls.
You could have called. We were
watching a movie 'til late.
- What movie?
- We missed the start.
It 's with Andy Garcia and
the guy from 'Tootsie'.
- Dustin Hoffman.
- Yes.
A plane crashes, he saves everyone
and loses his shoe?
That's it. Cool, hey?
I've seen It.
It's about a guy who thlnks he's
really smart but always messes up.
But It all works out.
He wasn't so smart,
but he was very lucky.
It started at 12:3O p.m.
And It ended aftertwo.
Funny that Isa remembered the
shoe scene, It's at the beglnnlng.
She sald they mlssed
the beglnnlng.
And the tltle flashes on and off
the screen durlng the fllm.
If they saw It,
they should know the name.
Duca, hold this, man.
Hold it.
I saw that CD downtown
for $ 22. Here it 's $ 35.
- How much do you get to do this?
- $ 2O.
- That 's nothing!
- Better than cleaning pools.
What time did you leave
Isa's place?
It was late, after 2... We were
listening to a CD I burnt there.
That's another problem wlth
storles that dldn't happen:
Everyone In the story has to agree
about what dld happen.
Duca, it 's on the paper:
'Businessman Paulo Wolker, 53...'
- What 's the headline?
- 'Businessman killed in fight'.
- Are there photos?
- No.
'...was murdered on Sunday night,
shot in the chest.