- Remember the woman's address?
- What woman?
They ran after us, right, Duca?
I think they had a knife.
A big knife, and probably
a gun too, right Duca?
They got on the bus, we
escaped by the front door.
Isn't that right, Duca?
- Didn't you do anything?
- Three big guys against one?
- Three or four?
- Four! It was 4 guys.
- I saw 3.
- Are you blind?
And the guy at the bus stop?
He did nothing to stop them.
He was waiting for the bus.
He didn't see any muggers.
That 's why he did nothing.
I saw no muggers either.
- That 's why you did nothing?
- Yes! You run off...
because a guy asks
to see a CD.
Nice to know
you don't believe me.
I'm an Idlot.
I argue wlth Isa just when
she's all exclted wlth ourstory.
Should I tell her she was rlght,
that there were four guys?
No, I'll just act
llke nothlng happened.
I remember the street:
Brigadeiro Afranio M. Souza.
Building 1, penthouse 2.
But I forgot the number.
Me too.
I'll look for the condos
with 2 buildings.
Good luck.
I'll come with you.
Now It's Kld who'll have a story
to tellwlthout her.
And she must be dylng
wlth jealousy.
But she can't take It back so soon
and say she wants to come too.
You take the even side
and I take the odd side.