Forget something?
It's my fault.
If I was like Paulie,
Dad would love me.
How do you know? Paulie left.
Maybe he hated your dad.
-You think so?
-Why else would he leave?
I bet he knew how to smile.
Mom never had time to teach me.
Did you know Paulie?
I prefer you a hundred times.
I prefer you a hundred times.
Help me. It soothes the nerves.
He says I need braces,
that I have crooked teeth.
Let me see.
They're not that bad.
Look at mine.
Smile less, that'll do.
Can you imagine
your mouth full of metal?
The girls won't believe you're 1 6.
You know about that?
I don't know anything.
I just know what's in my Koran.
It's good to start off
with professionals...
...but afterwards, when you
complicate things with feelings...
...then you'll appreciate novices.
You go too.
At your age.