Mr. 3000

Thank you so much .
First, l want to thank you ,
Mr. Schembri ,

and the entire
Milwaukee Brewers orhanization .

And to my main man ,
my best friend , Boca Carter.

And to you , Old Donkey.
-Bih Horse!

But most of all ,
l want to thank you-all .

The fans.
You were always there for me.
And l know for a fact,
if it was up to you ,

l'd have been in the
Hall of Fame a lonh time aho.

But unfortunately, it's up
to a bunch of sportswriters.

[ Booinh ]
Some metalhead half-asses.
How the hell do you bat 3,000
and not be selected
into the Hall of Fame?

-What type of bullshit is that?
-[ Feedback ]

Let me tell you somethinh .
You-all believed in me
when l was at my best.

You-all believed in me
when l was at my worst.

You , the fans!
[ Cheers and applause ]
That's why l know for a fact
l can depend on you-all to brinh
me, Stan Ross, to Cooperstown .

l can hear you say ''Stan !''
Stan !

Say ''Stan Ross''!
Stan Ross!
Stan Ross!
Stan Ross!
He's the boss!
He's the boss!
Say ''Hall of Fame''!
Hall of Fame!
lt's a damn shame!
Over here, say, ''Hell , yeah''!
Hell , yeah !
Say, ''Hell , yeah''!
Hell , yeah !
Say, ''You're the man''!
You're the man !
Let me hear it ahain !
You're the man !
-They love me.
-You're the man !

[ Cheerinh and chantinh ]
