Only one ear looks disgusting
Disgusting? You just ate a person!
You two should be even up
That's 2 different thing!
Don't you really understand what this means?
From now on, you'll start eating people
Then we'll become living dead!
Ok, I can hear now
What? Stop doing those crazy thing
It's not only Starlin pissed me off all these years
Not only him? You want to eat all people in the school?
I'm sorry
It's no use only by saying, we need to control ourselves, ok?
We can eat beef if we're hungry, and not the PE teacher
Got it?
Swear, untill we find the way to cure this illness!
I swear!
I swear too!
I have no idea what were you thinking that time?
I'm just damn hungry
damn hungry?
look, they're there
Roubecca¥d got a way to save us, I'll go talk to her
Wait here
Where is that book? I know this might sound funny
But we became zombie, only you can save us
We can hardly control ourselves
What do you know? I've apologized about the bone ash
You're fooling me by those stupid lies all day
What's about tonight, and you and me, 2 of us
what do you know? I'm not going crazy with you anymore
but Roubecca¥d!
A loud and clear slap!
Hope you enjoy the party and having fun with Uma
I'm hungry again
This is not fair! we all turn into zombie
But I'm going to locked down the basement