You're right
Ok, You provide fake information to the police
besides you wake up my wife
It's an unforgetable night
Ok, it's all here
I saw it all, he hides the drug under the basement!
So I ate it all
Conhard, Don't be so impetuous
You're at my house, listen to me
Everything is passed, forget it
Ok, solved peacefully
Then let's shake hands?
You son of bitch!
Look what have you done!
Because he deserve it! I'm revenging for you
Got, you sweared you're not attacking people anymore
This is how zombie act!
Why do I have to swear with you?Philip§Q®ú?
You already out of your mindConhard
You better go back to the basement
I don't want to be like that, I'll be responsible on my own
What do we do now?
Where can we hide him?
Yes, aren't there a storage room in your house
Do you think this works?
He can't move, then He can't run out on his own
If one day he is discovered just pretend we don't know
things will be straight, don't worry
I worry of course, You can also leave me
Everything is simple for you
Don't you hold no hope to everything
No one wants to be this hopeless
Now things are not that simple
If we're not having the car accident, things won't be so much trouble
Ah, now it's all my fault?