You're so pretty
You're doing volunteer
patrol in red light districts? Yes
You're late
Everyone's gone off in pairs
Then should I go alone? No
Wait. Your partner should arrive soon
Let go of me
Shut up! This isn't legal!
Can a cop treat a citizen like this?
Sure, why not?
Hey, it's you again!
Did you get robbed?
Please believe me! Please!
You bastard, come on here and sit down
Lots of delinquents at your school?
I don't know, I'm still new
Kids who sniff glue?
I don't know yet
Hey, let's eat something
These days kids do Ecstasy
Lots of school violence
and cyber crime, too
But the worst are school gangs
who steal from weaker kids
Need to give those bastards
a taste of real life
There's an old saying...
"Only the wicked see the wicked"
What did you say? Nothing
You pay!
Do you have change for this?
I'll eat more then
A bitch in uniform!
Do they run a beauty pageant
to select cops?
Don't do that, you idiot